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Adding Global Connectivity to Dynamic-Powered Wallets
Adding Global Connectivity to Dynamic-Powered Wallets
Adding Global Connectivity to Dynamic-Powered Wallets

The list of cool things being built across Web3 is never-ending. In the last few years, we’ve seen Ordinals and a DeFi ecosystem arrive on Bitcoin, L2s such as Base scale Ethereum and bring countless people onchain, emerging networks like Berachain mix innovation and humor, and so much more. The future of crypto has never looked better.

Even though the future looks bright, Web3 is still facing a massive challenge: interoperability. Users have too many separate wallets to manage, and liquidity is spread thin across hundreds of competing blockchains. Embedded wallets, though integrated directly into applications, have encountered similar challenges as they have been difficult to operate across multiple apps.

That’s why Dynamic has been making a massive push towards Dynamic-powered Global Wallets - embedded wallets that can be utilized on any app in Web3. And today, we’re rolling out the first step - global connectivity. Let’s dive in!

Progressing Toward Better Interoperability for Embedded Wallets

Global connectivity empowers end-users of Dynamic-powered embedded wallets to do something special: connect their wallets to any app in Web3 that supports WalletConnect. This means end-users are no longer confined to a single application or ecosystem. Whether they’re trading NFTs, engaging with DeFi protocols, or exploring the latest apps, they can effortlessly switch between different platforms without the need to create new wallets.

This is a game-changer for user experience in Web3. To date, managing separate wallets for different applications has been frustrating and a significant barrier for crypto users. Beyond creating a better user experience for everyone, new users to the Web3 ecosystem benefit even further. In addition to them onboarding into Web3 more efficiently, this will also allow them to easily explore the onchain world outside of the confines of the initial engagement that they took part of.

Transacting and Interacting Across Devices

To showcase the potential that Global Connectivity could have, we break down how an end-user who creates a Dynamic-powered wallet on Motorverse, an Animoca Brands project that works with Lamborghini, will be able to use this same wallet to sell their NFTs on MagicEden step-by-step:

  1. Open Motorverse in your mobile browser
  2. Open MagicEden on desktop and click “connect wallet”
  3. Select “Wallet Connect"
  4. Open the “Scan Wallet” feature on your mobile browser
  5. Scan the QR code

That's it! Motorverse is now connected with MagicEden

Putting security first

Connecting your wallet to every app is a powerful feature but comes with certain risks. To enhance our security, we've partnered with Blockaid, the Web3 security platform used by top wallets like MetaMask, Coinbase, and Rainbow. Our integration with Blockaid adds advanced app scanning, transaction simulation, and validation to our platform.

Going forward, when a user connects their wallet to a 3rd party app, Blockaid will verify the legitimacy of the app. Then, before a transaction is sent, it will perform a second check to ensure the transaction itself is safe. This functionality will gradually be rolled out over the next few weeks for all users leveraging our Global Connectivity feature!

Turn your App into a Branded Wallet on Other Sites

For developers, Global Connectivity transforms their application into a Branded Wallet, where the app’s identity and branding become the means for users to sign messages across other websites. Instead of using a generic wallet, users interact with one distinctly tied to the developer’s brand, allowing them to sign transactions or authenticate on other WalletConnect-enabled apps. This approach ensures a seamless user experience while keeping the developer’s brand front and center throughout the user’s Web3 journey.

The First Milestone of a Much Larger Vision

While Global Connectivity is an exciting step forward for embedded wallets, it only marks the first step in a much longer journey towards global wallets for Dynamic. By allowing embedded wallets to interact with other Web3 apps, we’re not only enhancing user experience but also creating a more interconnected Web3 ecosystem. And we’re only getting started.

Our vision here is straightforward - wallets should not be siloed. Depending on your use case, the global nature of wallets can be front and center, or deferred to later in your customer’s lifecycle. Whatever is the right solution for you, we’re here to support! We’re here to help build a better and brighter future for wallets and their users!

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Itai Turbahn

Itai is the co-founder and CEO of Dynamic. Before Dynamic, Itai spent 7 years in product management leadership positions, and was previously a consultant at the Boston Consulting Group. Itai holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and B.Sc degrees in EECS and Economics from MIT.

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(Oh, and we also offer a free multi-chain wallet adaptor)

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